About Us

Passionate about trading, we were looking for a tool that could centralize our assets and provide a summary on the performance of our complete portfolio on a regular basis. It seemed that such tool was not easy to find, so we built our own.

Our Product

Infinio offers a service in which the customer receives a daily email with the status of his/her portfolio (stocks, funds, ETF's, crypto's, ...).

The website contains a simple and clean dashboard in which the transactions (buy/sell) of assets (tickers) can be entered.

Currently, one plan is available at 10 euros per month providing a daily email with the customer's performance today, this week, year-to-date and all time. It also contains an analysis of the net gain/loss per ticker and how this evolves. Besides that, there is weekly and monthly view to see the performance of each week/month of the current year. Finally, there is a summary of all received dividends.

Moreover, an interesting side effect we had using this tool is that we are not checking our assets ten times a day anymore. We just know that a mail will arrive at a chosen time with a complete summary, which provides peace of mind :)


Contact us by email: contact@infinio.pro